Prosperity Pamphlet : Volume 1
Cleaning out Your Closet: The Cleansing Law of Prosperity
In today’s society, we are constantly brainwashed to think more things will make us happy, so we unconsciously hoard material goods and buy things for that quick endorphin release but before you know it that euphoric feeling is gone and we are just stuck with an abundance of things that are just collecting dust. Your closet is full of clothes you don’t wear, your garage is full of stuff you never use and your car is full of receipts and garbage on the floor. Hell, we even pay a monthly fee to store the stuff we never use in storage containers. Stop and think about that for a minute. Seems to me like we have an epidemic on our hands.
This clutter in our lives needs to be addressed now because it can literally stop us from moving forward with new ideas and attracting the things we truly want into our lives. Removing and releasing things we no longer use has both a physical and spiritual benefit in our life. By releasing things you do not use anymore, you create an energetic (vacuum) vortex effect in your life. The vortex (vacuum)effect is essentially an out with the old in with the new principle. Get rid of what you don’t want in order to make room for what you do want.
The Cleansing Law of prosperity is one of the most important steps you can take on your prosperity journey. You can revolutionize your life quickly using this simple method. I was able to receive $8,000 within two weeks of applying this simple action step into my life. The step is simple: get rid of anything in your life that you no longer use, or that simply just takes up space. Today we are simply speaking of material possessions although you will receive emotional and spiritual benefits from the process as well.
By donating, selling, or throwing away material possessions we no longer use, we begin to energetically cleanse our lives and our minds to allow room for the new things we want to experience. We cannot manifest or create the new things we want in our lives if our energy is blocked by cluttered, crowded spaces. Likewise we cannot manifest or create new and magnificent things if the energy of our mind is blocked by cluttered, crowded thoughts.
I have found that it is best to start this process by working with the physical. Go through your closets and release or donate clothes you no longer wear. There are plenty of people who need clothing so remember that donating is your best option if the clothes are still presentable. By doing good for others in turn we do good for ourselves as we are all connected. Next go through your drawers, clean out work desk, clean out your garage, take out all the trash and things in your car you never use, re-organize your pantry and throw out the food you know you won’t eat, go through the kitchen drawers and get rid of everything, and I mean everything, you no longer use. (–A little side note here. Facebook and other online platforms now make it extremely easy to sell old stuff. Start bringing in prosperity by selling items you no longer need. You would be surprised at the amount of cash you can bring in by doing this.)
When you start selling, donating or throwing out this clutter, it has a powerful effect on your subconscious mind. The mind begins to expect good things to happen. It creates an energetic vortex, which begins to draw in the abundance and prosperity that you truly desire. You may also receive divine inspiration through thought. These ideas can often be used to make you money so be sure to be listening to your inner guidance.
Remember out with the old and in with the new.